IPACK-IMA: the leading exhibition for processing and packaging for the food & non food industries


IPACK-IMA –  to be held in Milan from 3 to 6 May 2022 – is the international exhibiton which represents an ideal stage for complete offer of cutting-edge materials, technologies and solutions in processing and packaging  aimed at the entire consumer and durable goods industries.

An highly specialized international fair where innovation, sustainability and technology come together, thanks to the identity and strategic partnerships with the industry that has been part of Ipack Ima’s DNA since its first edition in 1961. Each edition of IPACK-IMA is attended by more than 1.400 exhibitors and 74,000 visitors, including 18,500 non-domestic players from 146 different Countries.

A not-to-be missed appointment for market professionals, with the entire food and non-food industries represented by well designed Business Communities which  highlight the exhibition’s target markets: Pasta, Bakery & Milling; Sweets, Confectionary & Snacks; Food, Fresh & Convenience; Liquid Food & Beverage; Pharma & Nutritional; Beauty & Personal Care; Chemicals & Home Care; Industrial & Durable Goods.


In addition to technologies for all these sectors, a special focus will be devoted to primary, secondary and tertiary packaging materials, which will be well represented at the show by over 200 companies operating in this segment. IPACK-Mat is the IPACK-IMA brand that will make these companies easily identifiable. In a special area strategically located in Hall 5, they will propose smart or eco-design-inspired packaging and solutions.

Special attention will be paid to sustainability and materials in contact with foodstuffs. The issue of packaging is constantly confronted with that of product safety and preservation, to which IPACK-IMA, in cooperation with the Italian Packaging Institute, dedicates the special area Ipack-Ima Lab, looking at research laboratories, certification institutes and centres specialised in FCM compliance standards.

IPACK-IMA will also host the Best Packaging Awards organised by the Italian Packaging Institute, to promote the innovation offered by the Italian packaging industry, as well as the awards ceremony of the prestigious WorldStarevent, the Global Packaging Awards promoted by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) which collects every year more than 300 entries from over 34 countries, and that will reward during IPACK-IMA 2022 the continuous improvement in packaging design, green packaging and technology.

From PET bottles made with 30% less CO2 released into the atmosphere, to recyclable mono-material olives pack, to good refill system for shampoo which uses 60% less plastic compared to regular plastic bottles, to the fiber-Bottle, a 100% compostable and recyclable bottle made from renewable fiber materials and many more innovations among the finalists of the WPO Awards, based on a new generation of sustainable packaging materials where keywords are recycling and environmentally friendly products.

IPACK-IMA is therefore more than ever the first face-to-face meeting point for all processing and packaging professionals, with industry-wide previews of future consumer trends.

IPACK-IMA will be held concurrently with other exhibitions dedicated to instrumental mechanics, all members of “The Innovaton Aliance”: Intralogistica Italia with handling and supply chain solutions on stage,  the brandnew projectGreenplast, focused on plastics and rubber, with its main focus on sustainability, recovery, recycling, circular economy and energy efficiency and Print4All, dedicated to printing and converting technologies

See you, then, at IPACK-IMA from May 3 to 6, 2022, with a back-to-life event that in Fiera Milano halls is a consolidated fact thanks to strict safety protocols, guaranteed by a hub that hosts every year 4.5 million visitors, 36,000 companies from all over the world, 80 exhibitions and 160 congresses.

Ipack Ima Press Office

Mail: press@ipackima.it

Marco Fiorie-mail: marco.fiori@intono.it  Mobile: +39 334 600 7739

Maria Costanza Candi – e-mail: mariacostanza.candi@intono.it  Mobile: +39 349 1019253

IPACK-IMA represents a complete, transversal offer dedicated to cutting-edge materials and technologies in the process and packaging sector and aimed at the entire consumer and durable goods industry.
The numbers of the 2018 edition: 1,500 exhibitors and over 74,000 visitors of which 18,500 from 146 countries. The event is organized by Ipack Ima Srl, a joint venture between UCIMA and FIERA MILANO.